3rd of November

So Long and Thank you For All the Daal Bhat Nepal

Two amazing months in Nepal. Two very long and great treks in the Everest and Annapurna regions. Countless memories and a lot of really great new friends.

Once again I have enjoyed my time here in Nepal so very much. The people here are just amazing. They might be tiny in terms of physical appearence, but their hearts are huge. I enjoy life here a lot – particular in the mountains! And who can not love Daal Bhat? I am rather sentimental to leave this place. But I take comfort in the fact that I know that I will return for sure. When I will return is uncertain, but I know that next time I go here I want to climb one of the 6000+ summits. I have already made arrangements with a great trekking company. A very nice Swedish climber recommended this place to me. These people know their stuff, and have arranged several Mt. Everest expeditions, so a 6000+ summit definatly fall within their expertise. All I need to do now, is to figure out when I want to return 🙂

Now I am off to the airport to fly to Dhaka, Bangladesh, where I will spend a month. I have no expectations to Bangladesh – I know nothing about it. No plans. All I know is that my friend Zubayer and I are going to purchase a cow tomorrow, and I know that Sunday is going to be rather bad news for the cow… Other than that no plans.

Last post from the rooftop of the world for now. Thank you Nepal, so long and thank you for all the Daal Bhat 🙂


28th of October

Memories from Annapurna

Memories from Annapurna

Here are some photographs from 2 weeks of trekking around the Annapurna mountain range, and crossing one of the worlds highest mountain passes – Thorong La (5416 m).

Weather was amazing, and the views where breathtaking – truely make you feel small in comparision with the nature. Trekking around the entire mountain range you see so much diversity – both in landscape and in cultures.

People where shy of being photographed, and often they told me not to photograph them, so eventually I stopped and settled for only photographing the mountains.

Once again I met some great people, shared some crazy moments with them and made some new friendships.

Leaving Nepal is going to be emotional hard. So many great memories…

22nd of October

Finished the Circuit, and a bit of Paragliding

Came back from the Annapurna Circuit last night. 14 amazing days of trekking – beautiful weather, and amazing company. And no dramas 🙂 Health and fitness was great! Yesterday I got up at 4:30 and climbed Poon Hill together with a couple of very nice Swedish people and a funny Argentinian guy. It was a 500 meters climb to 3200 meters altitude. Poon Hill is the place I visited in 2009, which gave me appetite to go back to visit Nepal again. Back then it was a pretty hard climb for me. Yesterday after an total of 36 days of trekking in Nepal (Everest + Annapurna), it was sooo easy. It was a great feeling – the feeling of physical fitness. I will try my best to keep in shape after this trip 🙂

Unfortunately the views weren’t very good due to bad weather condition. When I was at Poon Hill in 2009 it was an amazing view, which I will never forget. But the remaining part of the circuit was simply stunning – great views! Will make sure to post some photos soon.

Trekking alone was a great experience. The ultimate freedom. And a lot cheaper than purchasing a guide. And with the Annapurna Circuit being such a popular trek, you meet a lot of people along the way. So I defiantly do not regret the decision of going alone!

This morning I went paragliding for an hour around Pokhara. Amazing! A funny feeling in the stomach though. I flew in tandem with a Russian pilot – who used to fly MIG-21 planes. Very nice man. Soooo calm 🙂

Tomorrow I am off back to Kathmandu. My only plan is to relax, eat good food, read some nice books. In general to chill out. After 2 very long treks, I think I have earned it… 🙂

17th of October

Safely passed Thorong La Pass

This morning at 5.30 am, we set out for the Thorong La pass, from high camp.
2 and a half hours later at 8 am we reached it – 5416 meters. The morning was beautiful and we all crossed safely.

Again it was not without dramas – I saw many people having to turn around, throwing up, being carried over by horses, etc. But fortunately the gang of people I had met all managed without major problems.

Now I am at 3800 meters relaxing, high on the experience, a bit sad that I soon have to leave Nepal – and very clear in my mind that I have to return and do a peak next time – I have a 6500 meter peak in mind 🙂

Anyhow, just wanted to let everyone know that I am safe and healthy.

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Categories:  Nepal Travel
6th of October

Off For a Short 260 km Walk

After 10 days of rest in Kathmandu, I am craving for the mountains again! As much I enjoyed eating fresh fruit, vegetable, salad, meat, and just chilling out – I miss the mountains terribly.

Heading off tomorrow morning at 7 am to begin the Annapurna Circuit walk – a 18ish days 260 km walk, including one of the highest mountain passes in the world – Thourung La (5416m).

This time I go alone with no guide, so I am excited to see how that goes. There should be plenty of people around, so I am sure I will never get completely loney. But perhaps a little lost a few times 🙂

A very nice dude from Israel (Samuel) gave me some really good coffee, so I bought myself a little gas burner so that I can make myself a cup of israelli coffee every now and then. The luxuries of life 😉

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Categories:  Nepal Travel